Maker of figurative sculptural ceramics and potter, born in Cleethorpes, Lincolnshire, who trained at Leicester College of Art, 1954–8; Goldsmiths’ College, 1958–9; then worked with the potter David Leach, 1962–4. He won a Gwen Mullins Trust Award, 1960; Gold Award, International Exhibition of Contemporary Ceramics, Florence, Italy, 1975; Craft Award, South West Arts, 1981; and a Major Craft Fellowship, South West Arts, 1986. Maltby was a member of the Craftsmen Potters Association and Contemporary Applied Arts. Took part in numerous mixed exhibitions in Britain and abroad. Shared an exhibition at The Stour Gallery, Shipston-on-Stour, 1998, figures of angels, kings and queens, birds and warriors. Later solo shows included Hart Gallery, 1998, and Aberystwyth Arts Centre, Aberystwyth, 1999–00.

Text source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)

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