Artist in collage, born in Wolverhampton, who attended Lanchester Polytechnic, Coventry, 1980, and Sunderland Polytechnic, 1983. While still doing his foundation course he became noted for his work Destruction of the National Front. With other artists, notably Keith Piper, he established The Pan-Afrikan Connection. A show was held at Wolverhampton Art Gallery in 1981, Chambers claiming that the black artist’s work should be “a tool to assist us in our struggle for liberation.” Exhibited widely in London and the provinces and participated in The Other Story, Hayward Gallery and touring, 1989–90. Arts Council and Sheffield City Art Galleries hold his work. He was based in Bristol.
Text source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)