The little-altered Georgian Town Hall is open to the public on weekdays between 9am–1pm. The painting forms the centrepiece of the Millenium Display Cabinet in the Council Chamber. To arrange a visit please contact the Mayor's Secretary.
Anthony Ashley-Cooper (1671–1713), 3rd Earl of Shaftesbury British School
Shaftesbury Town Hall
The Dissolution of the Abbey, 1539Phyllis Wolff (b.1950)
Shaftesbury Town Hall
The Visitation of the Papal Legate, 1240Phyllis Wolff (b.1950)
Shaftesbury Town Hall
William Hanner British School
Shaftesbury Town Hall
The Consecration of Shaftesbury Abbey, 888Phyllis Wolff (b.1950)
Shaftesbury Town Hall
The Translation of Edward King and Martyr, 979Phyllis Wolff (b.1950)