Nuffield College, University of Oxford

Image credit: Tom Weller

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Nuffield College was founded by Lord Nuffield in 1937 and was built between 1949 and 1958. It is a graduate college for teaching and research in the social sciences, economics, politics and sociology. A number of works were commissioned in the 1950s. The present collection of paintings, drawings, original prints, photography and sculpture is mainly contemporary and modern British but also reflects the college’s social studies interests and international membership. The collection is private and distributed throughout the College and is not on public view. Access is normally restricted to those involved in academic scholarship or research. Applications should be made to The Chairman of the Art Committee, Nuffield College, Oxford, OX1 1NF.

New Road, Oxford, Oxfordshire OX1 1NF England

01865 278500

The collection is private and distributed throughout the College and is not on public view. Access is normally restricted to those involved in academic scholarship or research. Applications should be made to The Chairman of the Art Committee, Nuffield College, Oxford, OX1 1NF.