Carrickfergus Council

Carrickfergus Council

Open to the public

Museum or gallery in County Antrim

23 artworks

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Carrickfergus Borough Council Museum hosts a small yet significant collection of works stretching from the seventeenth century to present day. The collection includes works by Harry R. Douglas, Janet Gough and T. E. Spence. The collection ranges in a variety of styles showcasing various periods, subject matter and local relevance. The collection illustrates Carrickfergus’ history as a garrison town with strong maritime roots. Many works have been donated or bequeathed to the museum with some specifically commissioned to demonstrate Carrickfergus’ deep running civic pride. Paintings in the collection include 'Fishermans Quay' by A. C. Stannus, 'Carrickfergus Castle' by James Syer and more famously the bequeathed collection of the Davys Wilson portraits. The portraits relate to the prominent Davys Wilson family who settled in the early seventeenth century in Carrickfergus. The family served as High Sheriff for County Antrim; Burgesses; Alderman, Mayor and Members of Parliament for Carrickfergus.

11 Antrim Street, Carrickfergus, County Antrim BT38 7DG Northern Ireland

028 9335 8049

Carrickfergus Borough Council Museum houses the collection between three sites. If you would like to view a painting in our collection please do not hesitate to contact us.