13 artworks by 9 artists

Leicestershire County Council Civic Collection is an Art UK Founder Partner

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The Collections Resources Centre manages objects, specimens, records and collections which are the foundation of the Museums Service. They form the basis of exhibitions at the seven Leicestershire County Council museum sites and are available for loan to other museums, locally and internationally and to be used by local community groups. The Collections Resources Centre is open by appointment and offers visitors a tailored experience of close examination of specific parts of the collections facilitated by expert collections staff. The Centre also houses two paintings by Lawrence Wright of the County Rooms, Leicester which are part of the Civic Collection. Built in 1800 the building was first known as Leicester Assembly Rooms and used to house visitors to the Leicester Races in Victoria Park. In 1817 it became known as the County Rooms when it was used as judges’ lodgings by County Justices. Today the building is owned by Leicester City Council and known as the City Rooms.