The Storybook Tree
The Storybook Tree
The Storybook Tree
The Storybook Tree
The Storybook Tree
The Storybook Tree
The Storybook Tree
The Storybook Tree
The Storybook Tree

© the artist. Image credit: Jane Roblin / Art UK

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The sculpture was formed from the trunk of a dead cedar tree. It features characters from the books of the Headington authors J. R. R. Tolkien and C. S. Lewis – the dragon Smaug from ‘The Hobbit’, Aslan the lion from ‘The Chronicles of Narnia’, and the horse from ‘The Horse and His Boy’.

The Storybook Tree


dead cedar tree

Accession number


Acquisition method

commissioned by Headington Action

Work type



Oxford City Council

Work status


Unveiling date

25th May 2005


at all times

Inscription description

The Storybook Tree / The tree and benches have been designed and carved by local sculptor Matt Cave / The tree depicts: / The dragon Smaug (J.R.R.Tolkein, The Hobbit) / Aslan the lion (C.S.Lewis, The Chronicles of Narnia) The horse (C.S.Lewis, The Horse and His Boy) / The project has been made possible through the sponsorship of: / Oxford Brookes University Oxford University Press / ACNeilsen Symm & Company Ltd WHM Consulting / The family of Mary Kay The family of Tony Church / OXFORD PRESERVATION TRUST AWARD 2007 / HEADINGTON ACTION:


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Located at

Bury Knowle Park, Headington


Located near 2A North Place, between the children's play area and the main diagonal path.