The Ruins
The Ruins
The Ruins
The Ruins
The Ruins
The Ruins
The Ruins
The Ruins
The Ruins
The Ruins
The Ruins
The Ruins
The Ruins
The Ruins

Image credit: Mike Longhurst / Art UK

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A very extensive artificial ruin composed mainly of Roman but with some other components, on the south side 15 columns with some sections of entabulature arranged in an apsidal shape, and on the north side two parallel colonnades with some shafts laid on the ground.

The Ruins




Cipollino marble, red granite, grey granite & other stone


H 914 x W 6858 x D 3048 cm

Accession number


Acquisition method

gift from the Bashaw of Tripoli, Libya

Work type



Crown Estate


Crown Estate

Work status


Listing status

Grade II* (England and Wales)

Listing date



at all times


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Located at

Blacknest Road, Virginia Water

GU25 4NU

Located beside and below the road, facing the lake.