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Kate Whiteford
Painter and draughtsman, born in Glasgow, who studied at the School of Art there, 1969–73. From 1974–6 she studied history of art at Glasgow University, a British Council Scholarship taking her to Rome in 1977.
Text Source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)
Symbol Stones: The Peacock 1983 Kate Whiteford (b.1952)Symbol Stones: The Peacock 1983 National Galleries of Scotland: Modern
Pompeiian Red c.1981 Kate Whiteford (b.1952)Pompeiian Red c.1981 Glasgow Museums Resource Centre (GMRC)
Merger c.1975–1985 Kate Whiteford (b.1952)Merger c.1975–1985 Royal Scottish Academy of Art & Architecture
Symbol Stones 1983 Kate Whiteford (b.1952)Symbol Stones 1983 British Council Collection
Symbol Stones 1983 Kate Whiteford (b.1952)Symbol Stones 1983 British Council Collection
Symbol Stones 1983 Kate Whiteford (b.1952)Symbol Stones 1983 British Council Collection
Symbol Stones 1983 Kate Whiteford (b.1952)Symbol Stones 1983 British Council Collection
Symbol Stone 1983 Kate Whiteford (b.1952)Symbol Stone 1983 British Council Collection
Les heures triste 1995 Kate Whiteford (b.1952)Les heures triste 1995 Imperial Health Charity Art Collection
Symbol Stone 1983 Kate Whiteford (b.1952)Symbol Stone 1983 British Council Collection
Symbol Stones: The Snake 1983 Kate Whiteford (b.1952)Symbol Stones: The Snake 1983 National Galleries of Scotland: Modern
Conche Shell 1986 Kate Whiteford (b.1952)Conche Shell 1986 The Young Gallery
Pompeiian Red c.1981 Kate Whiteford (b.1952)Pompeiian Red c.1981 Glasgow Museums Resource Centre (GMRC)
Red Spiral 1986 Kate Whiteford (b.1952)Red Spiral 1986 National Galleries of Scotland: Modern
Symbol Stones: The Arc 1983 Kate Whiteford (b.1952)Symbol Stones: The Arc 1983 National Galleries of Scotland: Modern
Excavation 2007 Kate Whiteford (b.1952)Excavation 2007 Eden Court
Nature Study 2009 Kate Whiteford (b.1952)Nature Study 2009 Imperial Health Charity Art Collection
Pagan Painting I 1980–1986 Kate Whiteford (b.1952)Pagan Painting I 1980–1986 Wolverhampton Art Gallery
Symbol Stone 1983 Kate Whiteford (b.1952)Symbol Stone 1983 British Council Collection
Symbol Stone 1983 Kate Whiteford (b.1952)Symbol Stone 1983 British Council Collection