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Thomas Aquinas
Dominican friar, priest, philosopher and theologian.
Portrait of St Thomas Aquinas 17th C Italian SchoolPortrait of St Thomas Aquinas 17th C Ashmolean Museum, Oxford
Saint Thomas Aquinas 1476 Carlo Crivelli (c.1430–c.1495)Saint Thomas Aquinas 1476 The National Gallery, London
Saint Thomas Aquinas 1605 Adam Elsheimer (1578–1610)Saint Thomas Aquinas 1605 National Trust, Petworth House
Saint Thomas Aquinas early 17th C–mid-17th C Italian School (attributed to)Saint Thomas Aquinas early 17th C–mid-17th C Wellcome Collection
Saint Thomas Aquinas 1640–1650 Abraham Jansz van Diepenbeeck (1596–1675)Saint Thomas Aquinas 1640–1650 The Courtauld, London (Samuel Courtauld Trust)
Saint Thomas Aquinas (1225–1274) late 20th C Herbert Joseph Cribb (1892–1967)Saint Thomas Aquinas (1225–1274) late 20th C Brighton Museum & Art Gallery
Saint Thomas Aquinas 1701–1800 unknown artistSaint Thomas Aquinas 1701–1800 Science Museum