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Scene from the Marriage at Cana in Galilee 1935 Stanley Spencer (1891–1959)Scene from the Marriage at Cana in Galilee 1935 Ulster Museum
Joining of the Houses of Lancaster and York in 1486 c.1901 John Robert Brown (1850–1918)Joining of the Houses of Lancaster and York in 1486 c.1901 Blackpool Town Hall
Orchids for the Bride 1965 Lilian Douglass (1903–1982)Orchids for the Bride 1965 Glasgow Museums Resource Centre (GMRC)
White Wedding (The Bride) c.1960 James Fitton (1899–1982)White Wedding (The Bride) c.1960 Herbert Art Gallery & Museum
Summer Wedding 1961 Shirley Brenda Teed (1933–2018)Summer Wedding 1961 Newport Museum and Art Gallery
Bride and Groom mid-20th C Betty Miller (1926–2023)Bride and Groom mid-20th C National Coal Mining Museum for England
The Wedding Cap, Savoy Estella Louisa Michaela Canziani (1887–1964)The Wedding Cap, Savoy Birmingham Museums Trust
Changing Homes 1862 George Elgar Hicks (1824–1914)Changing Homes 1862 Museum of the Home
The Marriage of John of Gaunt and Blanche of Lancaster at Reading Abbey, 19 May 1359 1914 Horace Wright (1888–1960)The Marriage of John of Gaunt and Blanche of Lancaster at Reading Abbey, 19 May 1359 1914 Reading Museum
The Wedding Morning c.1808–c.1822 William Mulready (1786–1863)The Wedding Morning c.1808–c.1822 Lady Lever Art Gallery
Nuptial Grooming 1994 Rita Duffy (b.1959)Nuptial Grooming 1994 Ulster Museum
The Wedding Feast at Cana 1867 Henri Fantin-Latour (1836–1904)The Wedding Feast at Cana 1867 Ulster Museum
The Health of the Bride 1889 Stanhope Alexander Forbes (1857–1947)The Health of the Bride 1889 Tate Britain
Study after the 'Aldobrandini Wedding' 1763 Joseph Nollekens (1737–1823)Study after the 'Aldobrandini Wedding' 1763 Harris Museum & Art Gallery
The Centre 1524*25 1972 Sue Swale (b.1946)The Centre 1524*25 1972 Royal College of Art
The Wedding at Mussenden Temple Desmond Kinney (1934–2014)The Wedding at Mussenden Temple Belfast City Hospital
Wedding Feast in Brittany (Repas de noce en Bretagne) 1908 Jean Frélaut (1879–1954)Wedding Feast in Brittany (Repas de noce en Bretagne) 1908 Tate
The Espousal of Mary and Joseph c.1633–1680 Peter Paul Rubens (1577–1640) (after)The Espousal of Mary and Joseph c.1633–1680 West Northamptonshire Council
A Wedding Procession: The Groom Riding on a Horse Accompanied by People Playing Music and Carrying Colourful Pennants 19th C (?) unknown artistA Wedding Procession: The Groom Riding on a Horse Accompanied by People Playing Music and Carrying Colourful Pennants 19th C (?) Wellcome Collection