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Blue Fish* Everett Carson (b.1948)Blue Fish* The Royal Victoria Infirmary
Porthole Sarah Hocombe (b.1963)Porthole Broomfield Hospital
Aesop's Fables: An Old Crab and a Young Edward Bawden (1903–1989)Aesop's Fables: An Old Crab and a Young Fry Art Gallery
Cliffs Anthony Amies (1945–2000)Cliffs Great Yarmouth Museums
Dolphin and Castle 2005 Lisa Cook (b.1973)Dolphin and Castle 2005
A Fishy Tale at Worthing Patricia Lesley Ann Faulkner (b.1946)A Fishy Tale at Worthing Middlesbrough Institute of Modern Art, mima
Lyme Bay, Dorset 1954 Arthur Bell (1897–1995)Lyme Bay, Dorset 1954 Poole Museum
Tarbert Harbour Andrew Black (1850–1916)Tarbert Harbour Paisley Museum and Art Galleries
Garron Point, Antrim Coast Road Seamus Stoupe (1872–1949)Garron Point, Antrim Coast Road Ulster Museum
Sea Change Amanda McKittrick (b.1960)Sea Change Arts Council of Northern Ireland
Seascape on the Northumbrian Coast 1863 William Bell Scott (1811–1890)Seascape on the Northumbrian Coast 1863 William Morris Gallery
Red Gurnard unknown artistRed Gurnard Penlee House Gallery & Museum
Breaking Waves Robert W. Hill (1932–1990)Breaking Waves Bushey Museum and Art Gallery
Llanddwyn Abbey I 1884–1885 Frederick William Hayes (1848–1918)Llanddwyn Abbey I 1884–1885 Bangor University
Vraic Gathering at Corbiere John Le Capelain (1812–1848)Vraic Gathering at Corbiere Government House, Jersey
Design for a Box Top, 'Caley's Deep Sea Crackers' 1890s Alfred James Munnings (1878–1959)Design for a Box Top, 'Caley's Deep Sea Crackers' 1890s The Munnings Art Museum
Quintin Castle William Alfred Green (1870–1958)Quintin Castle Ulster Folk Museum
Tangled Seaweed Margaret Barnard (1898–1992)Tangled Seaweed Rye Art Gallery
Wreck of the 'Forfarshire' 2020 Judith Appleby (b.1952)Wreck of the 'Forfarshire' 2020 RNLI Grace Darling Museum
Sandy Beach unknown artistSandy Beach NHS Lothian Charity – Tonic Collection