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Mrs Elizabeth Campbell British (Scottish) SchoolMrs Elizabeth Campbell Glasgow Museums Resource Centre (GMRC)
Femme et bébé 1956 Jean Dubuffet (1901–1985)Femme et bébé 1956 Ulster Museum
Isabella Grote, née Macdonald, Wife of Andrew Grote 1832–1834 unknown artistIsabella Grote, née Macdonald, Wife of Andrew Grote 1832–1834 British Library
Lady with a Pink Shawl 1955 Georges van Houten (1888–1964)Lady with a Pink Shawl 1955 Examination Schools, University of Oxford
Miss Vivian John (1915–1994) 1929 Augustus Edwin John (1878–1961)Miss Vivian John (1915–1994) 1929 Ulster Museum
Bianca 1851 or before William Powell Frith (1819–1909)Bianca 1851 or before Paintings and Sculptures owned by Colleges in the University of Cambridge
Charlotte, Duchess of Albany unknown artistCharlotte, Duchess of Albany
Rouge (Fenella Fielding) 2022 Cathy Lomax (b.1963)Rouge (Fenella Fielding) 2022 Priseman Seabrook Collection: 21st Century British Painting
Lady Arabella Stuart (c.1577–1615), Only Daughter of the 6th Earl of Lennox 1605 Robert Peake (c.1551–1619)Lady Arabella Stuart (c.1577–1615), Only Daughter of the 6th Earl of Lennox 1605 National Galleries of Scotland: Portrait
Mrs James Gregory, née Isobella Macleod (1770–1847) Henry Raeburn (1756–1823)Mrs James Gregory, née Isobella Macleod (1770–1847) National Trust for Scotland, Fyvie Castle
Mary Ann Ironside, Mrs Edward Green Henry William Pickersgill (1782–1875)Mary Ann Ironside, Mrs Edward Green National Trust, Treasurer's House, York
Cecilia Ann (Lukin) Windham (1803–1874), Mrs Henry Baring 1833 William Edward West (1788–1857)Cecilia Ann (Lukin) Windham (1803–1874), Mrs Henry Baring 1833 National Trust, Felbrigg Hall
Brenda, Countess of Wilton c.1919–1920 Edoardo Gioja (1862–1936)Brenda, Countess of Wilton c.1919–1920 Manchester Art Gallery
The Toilette 1863 Henry Nelson O'Neil (1817–1880)The Toilette 1863 The Amelia