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Portrait of a Man 18th C British SchoolPortrait of a Man 18th C Victoria and Albert Museum
Portrait of an Elderly Man and a Young Woman 1910 Thomas Cowper-Essex (1863–1927)Portrait of an Elderly Man and a Young Woman 1910 Hawkshead Market Hall
Gypsy Encampment 1788–1879 William Shayer (1787–1879)Gypsy Encampment 1788–1879 Museum of Gloucester
Harbour Mouth, Newlyn 1978 Joan Gillchrest (1918–2008)Harbour Mouth, Newlyn 1978 St Michael's Hospital
The Village School c.1707 P. van HostThe Village School c.1707 Fairfax House
Tamar Street, Saltash c.1905 Agnes Hope Fynmore (b.c.1868)Tamar Street, Saltash c.1905 Saltash Heritage Museum and Local History Centre
Next 1991 Michael J. Excell (b.1957)Next 1991 Falmouth University
Before the War 1991 Michael J. Excell (b.1957)Before the War 1991 Falmouth University
Dad's Gong Table 1993 Medina Ann Hammad (b.1963)Dad's Gong Table 1993 University of Lincoln
Hot Water Bottle Still Life No. 2 1982 Julia Gurney (b.1955)Hot Water Bottle Still Life No. 2 1982 County Hall, Leicestershire County Council Artworks Collection
Man at Ease 1975–1976 Alfred Cohen (1920–2001)Man at Ease 1975–1976 Rye Art Gallery
John the Bell Man 1878 John Templeton Lucas (1836–1880)John the Bell Man 1878 Whitby Museum
Reading 1973 Anne Norwich (1929–2020)Reading 1973 Usher Gallery
On the Beach 1960 Peter Brannan (1926–1994)On the Beach 1960 Usher Gallery
And She Was the Princess 1969 John Upton (1933–2005)And She Was the Princess 1969 University of Sussex
Mendi Hands 1990 Caroline Jariwala (b.1965)Mendi Hands 1990 County Hall, Leicestershire County Council Artworks Collection
Hempsted Village, Gloucestershire c.1880 Edward Smith (1820–1893)Hempsted Village, Gloucestershire c.1880 Museum of Gloucester
Mr Kendal 1842 Samuel Tuke (1797–1857)Mr Kendal 1842 Usher Gallery
Loughborough, Leicestershire 2006 Gemma Cumming (b.1983)Loughborough, Leicestershire 2006 Charnwood Borough Council Offices
Figures outside a Church, Set in a Wooded Landscape 1765 Johannes Janson (1729–1784)Figures outside a Church, Set in a Wooded Landscape 1765 Fairfax House