Hugh MacDiarmid (1892–1978) Memorial
Hugh MacDiarmid (1892–1978) Memorial
Hugh MacDiarmid (1892–1978) Memorial
Hugh MacDiarmid (1892–1978) Memorial
Hugh MacDiarmid (1892–1978) Memorial
Hugh MacDiarmid (1892–1978) Memorial
Hugh MacDiarmid (1892–1978) Memorial
Hugh MacDiarmid (1892–1978) Memorial
Hugh MacDiarmid (1892–1978) Memorial
Hugh MacDiarmid (1892–1978) Memorial
Hugh MacDiarmid (1892–1978) Memorial
Hugh MacDiarmid (1892–1978) Memorial
Hugh MacDiarmid (1892–1978) Memorial
Hugh MacDiarmid (1892–1978) Memorial
Hugh MacDiarmid (1892–1978) Memorial
Hugh MacDiarmid (1892–1978) Memorial
Hugh MacDiarmid (1892–1978) Memorial
Hugh MacDiarmid (1892–1978) Memorial
Hugh MacDiarmid (1892–1978) Memorial

© the artist. Image credit: Fiona Jeffrey / Art UK

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This sculpture is formed to look like an opened book with laser-cut imagery. The MacDiarmid Memorial is dedicated to one of Scotland's greatest poets of the twentieth century. Born Christopher Murray Grieve on 11th August 1892 in Langholm, Hugh MacDiarmid spent the majority of his life away from his birthplace but returned as often as possible, particularly to enjoy the Common Riding. He was a joint-founder of the Scottish National Party and lover of Scotland. His first collection 'Annals of the Five Senses' was published in 1923 followed by 'Penny Wheep', 'Three Hymns to Lenin' and 'A Kist of Whistles'.

Hugh MacDiarmid (1892–1978) Memorial




steel & stone

Accession number


Acquisition method

funded by public subscription

Work type



Dumfries & Galloway Council


Dumfries & Galloway Council

Work status



at all times


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Located at

Whita Hill Road, Langholm

DG13 0HR

Sited on Whita Hill overlooking Langholm, by the car park at the start of the track to the Malcolm Monument.