Edmund Burke (1729–1797)
Edmund Burke (1729–1797)
Edmund Burke (1729–1797)
Edmund Burke (1729–1797)
Edmund Burke (1729–1797)
Edmund Burke (1729–1797)
Edmund Burke (1729–1797)
Edmund Burke (1729–1797)
Edmund Burke (1729–1797)
Edmund Burke (1729–1797)

Image credit: Paul Francis / Art UK

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The statue is larger than life-size. The figure is clothed in the style of the 1780s with an unfastened knee-length coat, a waistcoat, a stock tied at the neck, breeches, stockings and low-heeled shoes. Burke steps forward with the weight on the right foot and faces the quay head to the south. His right hand, open with palm down, is raised in a dramatic declamatory gesture. His left hand holds a wide-brimmed tricorn. His short hair forms a fringe over his forehead and finishes in curls, above the collar. The strongly featured face has an intense expression and most clearly resembles the portrait by Sir Joshua Reynolds.

Edmund Burke (1729–1797)


1894 or before


bronze & granite


H 248 x W 150 x D 162 cm;
Plinth: H 280 x W 137 x D 137 cm

Accession number


Acquisition method

gift from the tobacco magnate, William Henry Wills

Work type



Bristol City Council


Bristol City Council

Work status


Listing status

Grade II (England and Wales)

Listing date



at all times

Signature/marks description

signed and dated on the base of the bronze cast: I HAVARD THOMAS / MDCCCXVIV CAST CIRE PERDVE / SOMMER NAPLES

Inscription description

inscription on the front of the pedestal: BURKE / 1774–1780 / ‘I WISH TO BE A MEMBER / OF PARLIAMENT TO HAVE MY / SHARE OF DOING GOOD AND / RESISTING EVIL’ / SPEECH AT BRISTOL 1780; on the rear of the pedestal: TO / HIS FELLOW CITIZENS. / FROM / WILLIAM HENRY WILLS. / BART. / 1894.


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Located at

The Centre, Bristol City


Located at the point The Centre joins St Augustine’s Parade on the central promenade opposite Baldwin Street.