Beach at Cart Gap, Happisburgh

© the artist. Image credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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A panoramic view of the beach looking towards Happisburgh in the distance, with the church tower depicted on the skyline. The vast expanse of the sky dominates the painting, and continues a long tradition of landscape painting of the Norfolk coast. At first glance the painting appears to be a landscape which alludes to the beach as a place of leisure and relaxation but it also implies potential dangers. Despite the sandy expanse, the sweep of beach in the foreground is emptied of people. The presence of windbreaks on the right hints at the reason for the lack of people sitting about. The sweeping tides also involve hidden dangers for swimmers and even the house with the red roof on the left may not be secure, since houses along this coast are threatened by the remorselessness of the sea.

National Maritime Museum



Beach at Cart Gap, Happisburgh




oil on board


H 25.5 x W 38 cm

Accession number


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National Maritime Museum

Romney Road, Greenwich, London, Greater London SE10 9NF England

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