Artist in watercolour, oil and drawing media, and teacher, born in Bideford, Devon. He studied at Plymouth School of Art, 1938–9; Bideford School of Art, 1940–2; again at Plymouth, 1942–3; and at Royal College of Art, 1943–6, under Gilbert Spencer. He was head of department at Epsom School of Art until 1978, then became a full-time painter. Worth was keeper, RBA, 1987–92, and senior vice-president of RWS in 1985–92, then becoming its president. He carried out a number of watercolour and mural commissions, having solo exhibitions with Agnew and Surrey University. Appeared in mixed exhibitions at Mercury Gallery, Wildenstein and out of London. National Trust, Eton College and public galleries in Aberdeen, Birmingham, Brighton, Rochdale, Southport and Wakefield hold examples.
Text source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)