Artist and teacher. Prior to the mid-1960s Thubron’s work was involved with resins, wood and metals, then he tended towards collages often created from rubbish. Visits to America, Mexico and Ronda in Spain, with their revelations of a new light, were important. Born in Bishop Auckland, County Durham, he went to Sunderland School of Art, 1933–8, then Royal College of Art, 1938–40. He began a distinguished and influential teaching career at Sunderland College of Art, 1950–5, as head of fine art. Was then at Leeds College of Art, 1955–64; Lancaster College of Art, 1964–6; and Leicester College of Art, 1966–8, where he was head of the painting school. Was briefly visiting professor at University of Illinois in the mid-1960s and for a time from early 1970s taught part-time at Goldsmiths’ College School of Art.

Text source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)

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