Painter, colour woodcut artist, writer and teacher, born in London. Studied under F Morley Fletcher at Reading University’s school of art, where from 1920–33 he was professor of fine art. He exhibited at the Fine Art Society, RSA, Royal Glasgow Institute of the Fine Arts and on the continent. He illustrated a number of books and wrote on a variety of subjects, including Art in the Life of Mankind, 1928–31, British Ponies, 1936, and Blondel the Minstrel, 1951, as well as on Colour Printing with Linoleum and Wood Blocks, 1928. Signed work AWS. His son was the painter Wilfred Seaby. Lived in Reading, Berkshire.
Text source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)