Painter of stylised figurative works who grew up in an artistic community at Great Bardfield, in Essex, daughter of the artists Michael Rothenstein and Duffy Ayers. Her grandfather was the painter and Royal College of Art principal Sir William Rothenstein; her uncle the Tate Gallery director and writer Sir John Rothenstein; her brother the designer Julian Rothenstein; and she was married to the film director Stephen Frears. After a foundation course at Camberwell School of Art, 1968, she was an actress, from 1978 painting full-time, essentially self-taught. Group exhibitions included the RA Summer Exhibition, RWA, Mothers and Daughters at Cadogan Contemporary, 1997, and Self Portraits, Six Chapel Row, Bath, 1998. She had a series of solo shows with Montpelier Studio/Montpelier Sandelson, from 1991, from 2001 with England & Co.
Text source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)