Landscape painter in oil, born in Bradford, Yorkshire, studied at the Slade School of Fine Art. Travelled extensively in Europe. Exhibited frequently at RA, also RBA, Goupil Gallery, ROI, Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool, and widely elsewhere in the provinces. His pictures were reproduced by the Medici Society and Frost & Reed. Priestman is noted for his painterly, rather breezy landscapes, which left their mark on the work of his notable pupil Edward Seago. Priestman’s pictures are in many provincial galleries in Britain, including Liverpool, Bristol, Birmingham and Manchester, as well as a large number of overseas holdings. Won a series of international medals and was elected RA, 1923. Lived in Crowborough, Sussex.
Text source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)