Sculptor in a wide range of materials who was born in Nottingham. Perry studied at Leeds Polytechnic, 1978–81, and gained a first-class honours degree. From then he practised as a full-time artist. Among his many public commissions were Quartet, four over-life-size figures in bronze, commissioned by Nottingham City and County Councils, sited in the Old Market Square, 1986; four carved oak doors for Newark Library, 1988; Tree, a carved Portland stone sculpture commissioned by Northampton Borough Council for the new Guildhall extension, 1991–2; and in 1992 Conventions, a carved-oak relief for Birmingham City Council. The Morris Singer Foundry cast Perry’s work, which called for much attention to detail. Showed widely in Britain from 1984–5, later exhibitions including The Palace of Culture in Poznan, Poland, and Contemporary Art Society Market, both 1992; and 1st RWA Open Sculpture Exhibition, 1993.

Text source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)

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