Painter in oil on canvas, born in Shropshire. After Wells Cathedral School, 1981–8, he attended Slade School of Fine Art, 1988–92. He had won first prize in Cadbury’s National Exhibition of Children’s Art, 1986, and after graduation mixed-show appearances included BP Portrait Award, 1991, which he won with Three Seated Figures. Later awards included Llewellyn Alexander, 1992; Elizabeth Greenshields Foundation, 1993; NatWest Art Prize, third prize, 1995; and Hunting Art Prizes, Young Artist of the Year, 1996. His portrait of the playwright and actor Harold Pinter is in National Portrait Gallery collection. Other commissions included HM The Queen, Royal Society of Arts; Steve Redgrave, Henley River and Rowing Museum; and Ena Sharples and Dalek, Royal Mail, for Millennium Stamp Collection.
Text source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)