Painter, draughtsman and teacher whose work included geometrical abstracts, born in Banff, northeast Scotland. Mackenzie gained an honours degree in drawing and painting from Edinburgh College of Art, 1987–91, and his fine art master’s there, 1991–3. Awards included Erasmus Exchange to Athens School of Fine Art, Greece, 1990; RA Aeneas scholarship to Florence, Italy, 1991; Hope Scott Trust Award, 1998; Ballinglen Arts Foundation residency, County Mayo, Ireland, and Scottish Arts Council Assistance Grant and Arts Trust for Scotland Award, all 1999; and City of Edinburgh Council Visual Arts Award, 2001. Mackenzie was widely involved in teaching children and adults and workshops in Scotland and Ireland. Group exhibitions included ARTfutures, Contemporary Art Society, 2002.
Text source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)