Painter and draughtsman, born in Cardiff, who attended the Glasgow College of Building & Printing, 1980–2; Glasgow School of Art, 1982–3; and Edinburgh College of Art, 1983–7. He took part in many mixed shows in Britain and abroad, later ones including Compass Gallery Annual Group Show, and Cats and Other Creatures, Main Fine Art, both in Glasgow, 1987. Kane had a series of exhibitions with Jill George Gallery from 1990, among them latterly Beaux Arts, 1996. In the catalogue of that, W Gordon Smith referred to Kane’s “vista of strange landscapes, bleak urban tundra rendered in yellow ochres and burnt browns, gaunt architecture in an awesome emptiness tinged by a sulphurous gloaming”, calling him “a melancholy poet of the waste land.

Text source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)

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