Painter, printmaker and teacher who did a foundation course at High Wycombe College of Art, 1977–8; gained an honours degree in fine art, Canterbury College of Art, 1978–81; then her master’s in fine art, Cardiff College of Art, 1985–7. Teaching experience included senior lecturer in printmaking at Norwich School of Art, 1991–4; part-time lecturing in fine art at University of Wales Institute Cardiff, from 1991; a series of visiting lectureships from 1994, including Coleg Glan Hafren, Cardiff, and Atlantic College, St Donats; and a senior lectureship in fine art at University of Wales, Cardiff, from 1998. In 1986 Hunt gained a WAC award to study in America and Mexico City researching murals; in 1988 under a Wales/Philadelphia Exchange, Brandywine Printworkshop, she was involved in producing a suite of lithographs and organising a student coalition to design and make a large mural in downtown Philadelphia; and in 1992 gained a WAC travel grant to research paper-making and wood block printing in Rajasthan, India.

Text source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)

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