Painter, printmaker and teacher, born in London. Left school early and briefly worked in newspapers, attending life drawing classes part-time at St Martin’s School of Art with R V Pitchforth. After Army service, on which he 40 years later made a television film, attended Wimbledon School of Art, 1947, then Royal College of Art, 1949. Began exhibiting at RA in 1951, the year when he married Jacqueline Henly, a sculpture student. A Royal College of Art Travelling Scholarship in 1952–3 enabled him to travel on the continent and an Abbey Major Scholarship in 1953–4 took him to Rome, where he encountered the Italian Realists. Worked for a time in the Kitchen Sink style and was one of Jack Beddington’s selections for the book Young Artists of Promise.

Text source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)

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