Versatile artist, writer and teacher, born and lived in Glasgow, who studied at Glasgow School of Art. From 1958–62, he was a secondary school art teacher; 1962–3, a theatrical scene painter; 1964, a “social security scrounger”; 1965–76 painter and playwright, with 17 plays televised, broadcast or staged; 1977, artist-recorder for Glasgow’s local history museum; 1977–9, writer-in-residence, Glasgow University; from 1981 being mainly a writer, book designer and illustrator. Gray wrote, designed and illustrated nine published novels, including the award-winning Lanark, of 1981, in gestation for 27 years; three books of short stories, one co-authored; two books of verse; a political pamphlet, Why Scots Should Rule Scotland, a play and in 2000 The Book of Prefaces, 15 years in preparation.

Text source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)

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