Painter in oil and teacher, born in Eastbourne, Sussex, son of the artist Arthur Reeve-Fowkes. He studied at Reading University, 1938–40 and 1946–8, under Anthony Betts. Fowkes first taught at Winchester School of Art, then for 30 years at Gray’s Art School in Aberdeen, resigning as senior lecturer in the painting school in 1980, moving to live in York. He was a figurative artist, working from drawings made in and about York and in and around Italy, which he visited annually. Piero della Francesca, Seurat and Balthus were influences. Group exhibitions included NEAC, Michael Parkin Gallery and Scottish Arts Council tours. Had a solo show at Douglas and Foulis, Edinburgh, 1970, later ones including Abbot Hall, Kendal, and Charlotte Lampard, both 1989.

Text source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)

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