Sculptor, letterer, teacher and writer working in a variety of materials, born in Berlin, Germany, who left Nazi Germany as a refugee for England in 1937. He was a pupil of Eric Gill in 1937–8; studied at the Central School of Arts and Crafts, 1938–9; also attending Henry Moore’s sculpture classes at Chelsea School of Art. Beyer worked with David Kindersley and the Cambridge firm of Rattee and Kett, from the mid-1950s becoming a freelance architectural and memorial letterer. His major commissions included all the lettering in Coventry Cathedral. Also completed work in several other English cathedrals, churches, public buildings and universities, private gardens and parks. Beyer’s largest commission in America was lettering in a park in New Harmony, Indiana, dedicated to Paul Tillich, the German-born, American theologian and philosopher.
Text source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)